After the Attack on Israel – Voices From Youth Work and Society
In our discussion series we invite people from Israel to tell us about current developments and contexts of meaning from their perspective. Together, we want to explore the following questions:
- How is Israeli society – in its diversity and affectedness – faring after the attacks of October 7, 2023?
- How should the Hamas attack and the war it triggered be interpreted internationally?
- What information and contexts of meaning are politically and socially important now?
- What needs to be done – by Germany, in Germany, in the midst of German civil society?
- What implications for encounters and exchange become apparent?
Our next guest on February 13, 2024, 18:00–20:00: Ofer Waldman
Born in Jerusalem, Ofer Waldman moved to Berlin in 1999 as a member of the "West-Eastern Divan" orchestra founded by Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said. He graduated from the Berlin University of the Arts and played in several German and Israeli cultural orchestras, including the Rundfunk Sinfonieorchester Berlin, the Deutsches Sinfonieorchester Berlin, the Nuremberg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the New Israeli Opera.
A graduate of the Free University of Berlin (German Studies) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jewish History), Waldman works full-time as a freelance author and journalist. In 2021, he won the ARD German Radio Play Prize together with Noam Brusilovsky for the radio play "Adolf Eichmann: Ein Hörprozess" (RBB/DLF). His literary debut, "Singularkollektiv. Erzählungen", was published by Wallstein Verlag in 2023. In April 2024, Suhrkamp Verlag will publish the book "Gleichzeit", an exchange of letters between Sasha Marianna Salzmann and Ofer Waldman, which reflects on the situation in Israel/Palestine and Germany since the outbreak of war on October 7. Waldman is active in several civil society NGOs in Germany and Israel and advises a number of German and Israeli political, cultural and civil society organizations and institutions. He divides his time between Israel and Germany.
Ofer Waldman will talk to us about how he has experienced the time since October 7 and his thoughts on the future. We want to discuss these and other topics in an exchange of perspectives between Israel and Germany.
Further information can be found on Ofer Waldman's website: